[ME2DAY] Dara Reminisces, Promotes MBLAQ’s BLAQ% Tour And Updates With 2NE1 3rd Anniversary Gifts!

Waaa ~! Dara has been reminiscing lately eh? Look at her mitu update ^.^


아우 이게모야!이게모야!ㅋ홍대 지나가다 발견!엠블랙 콘서트 7월21일??두둥..작년여름 기억하나요?우리콘서트하기 일주일전에 천둥이 콘서트라 젤 바쁜시기에 리허설하다가 힘겹게 보러갔엇던거..ㅋ근데 올해도 어김없이! 이건 운명이야!+.+ 아주~ 바빠지겟고만! 홧팅!^.^
Tags: 올여름방학 엠블랙 콘서트 , 투애니원 콘서트 에서 뜨겁게 보내자!!!
Aw what is this! What is this! Ke I found this when I went to Hongdae! MBLAQ Concert on July 21?? Dudung… Do you remember what happened last summer? Cheondoongie had a concert a week before our concert, and we were so busy rehearsing that it was so hard to go and watch it, it was a really busy time.. Ke And this year, again without fail! It’s fate! +.+ Really~ Getting to be very busy! Fighting! ^.^
Tags: Let’s spend this summer vacation watching the hot MBLAQ concert, 2NE1 concert!!!

Aw apakah ini! Apakah ini! Ke Saya terjumpa ini ketika saya ke Hongdae! Konsert MBLAQ pada 21 Julai? Dudung... Adakah anda ingat apa telah berlaku pada musim panas yang lalu? Chendoongie mengadakan konsert seminggu sebelum kami, dan kami sangat sibuk berlatih sehingga ianya sangat sukar untuk pergi menonton konsertnya, ianya merupakan masa yang sangat sibuk.. Ke Dan pada tahun ini, sekali lagi ia terjadi tanpa sebarang kegagalan! Ianya takdir! +.+ Benar~ Kini sangat sibuk! Fighting! ^.^
Tag: Jom luangkan musim panas dengan menonton konsert MBLAQ yang menarik, konsert 2NE1!!!

OMG look at this!! It's Dara's gifts for 2NE1's third Anniversary!! And I can clearly see WeLoveDara/OhDara's gifts in this!! Kyaaa I feel so proud of everyone in WLD/OD! They deserve all this :) All the hard work has paid off, FWD staffs feel so happy for you girls! And there are also gifts from 2NE1CHINA and OH MY GODDESS!! Daralings jjang!! ^.^

3주년 기념으로 팬분들이 만들어보내주신 선물들~!!!+.+ 악 완젼 맘에들어!ㅠㅠ 다라후드, 다라티셔츠, 다라양말 등등 악!!! 완전 맘에두뤄어~! 귀여워어~! 데뷔무대부터의 무대사진들로 만들어진 사진앨범도잇고! 캭! 소중한 추억들..^_^ 감사합니당!

The gifts that fans gave in celebration of our 3rd anniversary~!!! +.+ Ack, I really love it! ㅠㅠ  Dara hoodie, Dara T-Shirt, Dara socks, and others, ack!!! I really like it~! It’s so cute~! They also created a photo album containing pictures of our stages ever since debut! Kyack! Such precious memories.. ^_^ Thank you all so much!

Hadiah-hadiah ini merupakan pemberian para peminat untuk ulang tahun ketiga kami~!!! +.+ Ack, saya sangat sukakannya!ㅠㅠ Hoodie Dara, T-shirt Dara, Sarung kaki Dara, dan lain-lain.. ack!!! Saya sangat sukakannya~! Semuanya sangat comel~! Mereka juga telah menghasilkan foto album yang mengandungi gambar gambar pentas kami semenjak debut! Kyak! Memori yang sungguh berharga.. ^_^ Terima kasih semua!

Source: Dara’s me2day
Translated by: BlackjackBelle@OhDara/ SlaveTranslator@WeLoveDara

Malay Translation by: La Pornie@ForeverWithDara


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